Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.. A person who was hanged by the Former President Zia Ul Haq...
Bhutto was hanged approximately 30 years ago.. The Pakistani Government is again opening this case..
Why they are opening this case..
They just want to busy the people in these kind of immoral things and don't want to touch the main things...
What's the matter of opening this case?
Do they want to pull Zia out of the grave and ask him.. What do they want? A moment they talk about Be-nazir and then Zulfiqar Bhutto... There are a lot of problems in Pakistan and are far more important to consider than these useless cases..
Come on Pakistan.. If you want to groom, consider those things that will make u groom...
Consider the poor people.. Help them.. Don't touch those things that will result in nothing...