Monday, January 18, 2016

I'll miss you dad...

I'll miss you dad...

I'll miss your presence at every step of my life. 

I'll miss you dad when you won't be there to wake me up again and again on fajar prayer. 

I'll miss you dad when you won't be there to wake up early in the morning for tahajjud and crying before the creator. 

I'll miss travelling with you to Qadian for Jalsa. 

I'll miss the moments we shared while watching TV and eating peanuts. 

I'll miss you dad when you won't be there with us on Eid as we enjoyed it in the village only because of you. 

I'll miss you dad when I won't recieve your calls asking about the reports after check-up, asking about the whereabouts during my journeys. 

I'll miss you dad whenever I will have to make decisions in future. 

I'll miss you dad whenever I'll achieve something in life because you will not be there to appreciate and I won't be able to see that beautiful smile on your face. 

I'll miss you dad when I will start to earn and I won't be able to show and hand over all my income to you.

I'll miss you dad whenever I will be with my friends late night and you will not be there to ask me to come home early and tell me that it worries you and makes you sleepless when I am not home. 

I'll miss you dad, when I will not see your bicycle outside the office and accepting the bitter reality that I will not see it in the future too. 

You left us, especially me so early. I needed you. You were my strength. You brought me up in the best way possible. It was time to prove what I learnt from you but now you are not there. Everything seems so difficult without you. 
It still seems like you are somewhere abroad for work and you will come back through the kitchen door with a smile on your face, saying salam and asking how was everything without you? 

At that I'll burst into tears and say, "Don't you ever leave us again!" :'-(