Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Concept of Hinduism about Life and Death

I was going through the photos I took when I visited India last year. I came across this photo.

Life and death cycle according to Hinduism

I took it when I visited a Shamshan Ghat ( A Shamshan Ghat is a platform designed for the cremation of bodies by Hindus and Sikhs.) It explains the concept of Hindus about the cycle of life and death. As shown their concept is that the next life of a person depends on the deeds he does in this world. If his deeds are good, he comes back in this world in the form of humans and if he does bad deeds, he comes in the form of animals. Life is a continuous cycle that keeps moving. It's ones own deeds that are responsible for his/her condition in new life. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Respect all...

We all have dreams… Dreams to become a good man and excel in our work… We start dreaming from our childhood and when we grow up more we make plans to achieve our goals…

I dreamt too! To become a doctor. May be because it was my father’s dream of seeing me as a doctor but I couldn’t… It feels so bad when students who are becoming doctors under-estimate others.

I went to a convention a few days back. Many students were there who are becoming doctors and I only felt ashamed there because respect is only for doctors and as if I am nothing! So I didn’t go there on the next day of convention.

God makes plans for all of us! I bet if I was in MBBS my life would be very dull and boring.

This post is for all those people who are in MBBS and will only be able to enjoy their life when they are more than 30 years old. :D

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love Without Cause...

In our daily life, everybody needs someone to love, to care and to spend time with... Everybody is in search of love... Now the people who love have cause for loving... A lot of people love for beauty, many for money, some to have fun and majority for time pass... We all love our parents and there is a cause... They look after us! We love our friends because they make us happy and we get entertained when we are together...

Sometimes there is someone we love a lot but can’t get it and sometimes we do get our love and then due to some causes it goes away and then heart breaks. Some people get mad, some get over it and some cannot forget it at all...

Is it possible that we love someone  and love them a lot, more than ourselves and when someone asks why do you love him/her? 

We just say, “no cause” instead of because...